Saturday, April 4, 2015

"Since there's no help" |Poem Reflection| #1

Overall, I really liked the poem, I thought that there was a lot going on in such a short amount of words. Basically, the poet is in love with his partner (doesn't say whether it's a boy or a girl, but considering the time of the text, it's probably a girl, but that's not the point), he love her but their love is dying. There's no more passion, there's not more lust it's just love withering away. As I continued to read on, he mentions something about canceling his vows, and when they ever cross paths again, that neither of them should be scorned about the crossfire that happened between the two. "Shake hands forever, cancel all our vows, and when we meet again, be it not seen in either of our brows." Ouch. He wants them to go their separate ways, but the thing is, that in the end he tells his lady friend or whatever that if there was any way to rekindle this romance they once had, than they should at least attempt to try again. So, I feel like this guy isn't just ready yet to let go of her.
                     The difficulty of this poem is that I hard a little bit of a hard time detecting what his tone was? Was he upset? Or was he more ready to leave? But as I reread this a second time, I realized that he was more on a helpless state of mind because throughout the poem, he's just basically giving up on this girl. So, I mean I think it's something that I have to work on personally because this poem is beautifully written (like I said, I wish I could write like that), and this text uses a lot of imagery and gives personification to the emotions of love, death and faith. Overall it was a good read.

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